How to transform a negative moment in a positive customer experience

How to transform a negative moment in a positive customer experience

Today we wanted to finish the week on a positive and joyful note.

Today’s post is inspired by KLM, the Dutch airline.

There are many frustrating experiences that can happen when you travel by plane, and insatisfaction can arise for many different reasons. Loosing something in the airport, forgetting something on the plane (think about your keys, your smartphone) can lead to intense negative emotions.

Fixing what one may see as a complaint-like situation is a fantastic levier to create high satisfaction and loyalty.

KLM seems to go after that and has attempted to create a customer experience that is extremely satisfactory for the client but also incredibly unexpected, touching and loaded with positive emotions. Watch this little video and have a great week-end.


Customer satisfaction is an emotion

In 2020 companies are obsessed with building customer loyalty. How can this be achieved? Marketing theory has taught us since the 1970s that customer satisfaction is the key to success. Today’s era is much more complicated, and marketing levers are more numerous. One thing is sure, however. Emotions remain a powerful vector for customer loyalty.

This is what Prof. Moshe Davidow, a world leader in the field of customer satisfaction and loyalty, explains in a podcast we produced with him. In this chapter, you will discover how customer satisfaction is linked to customer loyalty, customer experience and emotions.

Posted in Marketing.