Step-by-step market research guide almost ready: first teaser

Step-by-step market research guide almost ready: first teaser

As I announced earlier this year, one of my goals for 2018 was to write a step-by-step guide to market research. I did this between December 2017 and January 2018 and it took me quite a lot of time to finalize it :

  • we let the market research guide translate in English and Dutch (translating 8000 words can’t be done overnight as you can imagine). This time I didn’t do the English translation myself as I wanted to have perfect ressources for our readers.
  • we prepared a special template for our website to host this guide. A side panel was added to navigate between the 7 steps of the market research method proposed.
  • we had to prepare graphic designs to make it easier to read the guide and identify the different steps for conducting market research.
  • we prepared a very nice infographics (see below)

Last but not least we are now in the process of preparing a white paper in pdf format. Next to the market research guide we will also add interviews of marketing professionals and entrepreneurs on how to use market research in different industries. I hope you’ll like our guide and learn a lot about market research and in particular my passion for qualitative methods.

The online guide to market research is ready and available online : find it here !

As a teaser you’ll find here the link to the first episode of the market research guide and below the infographics which we prepared to illustrate the whole process. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and comment to improve it.

Posted in Marketing.