Market research at SIAL Paris 2018. Trend #1: Super Food
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
SIAL Paris 2018: What are the trends in the food market?
SIAL, the world’s largest food innovation fair, opens its door in Paris
GDPR : don’t be afraid. Nothing will change.
Artificial intelligence enhances borders safety
We live in a technocracy : technology is driving behaviours and law
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Market analysis: what’s the future of supermarkets ?
The next hand-written you’ll get may have been produced by those robots
Social networks destroy society: what should be done?
The 3 benefits of the new “Tap To Go” Ahold no-checkout supermarket
Retail innovation: smart shelves enable dynamic pricing
Market research : how to study reactions to autonomous vehicles
Is IoT a modern form of imprisonment ?
Opaque 3rd-party algorithms : a business opportunity
Walmart wants to deliver you IN your home
An interesting example of nudge applied to public safety in Ísafjörður, Iceland
Market research : hot technological trends for future TV experience
Dynamic pricing : natural marketing evolution or threat ?
How Big Data will influence the future of advertising
The right to failure doesn’t exist with artificial intelligence. This is terrible.
Big Data and Ethics : first sucessful meetup at DigitYser in Brussels
GDPR : what does data portability really mean ?
New Twitter conditions give you a glimpse into how and which personal data collected
Personalized car insurance has unexpected effects on customers behaviors
Youtube recommendations : user experience and algorithmes better than ever
Interview of Edward Vizard on implementing Pay-What-You-Want at Garçonne & Chérubin
Ford builds trust and satisfaction with the Ford video check
Education : machine learning for better learning
Virtual Reality : Interview of ArtMyn founder, Loic Baboulaz
Recommendation algorithms : the myth of filter bubbles at stake
Artificial intelligence: are algorithms biased by nature ?
I finally found a useful Virtual Reality (VR) application
When will the IoT market eventually crash ?
Measuring emotions for a better customer experience management
Will Snap Spectacles glasses revive the augmented reality trend?
Customer satisfaction, customer experience and big data