Articles filed under Bank and insurance
Customer satisfaction and paid customer service: a contradiction?
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Fintech: a look back at 2020, perspectives and trends for 2021 [Interview]
Connected insurance: reliability of connected wristbands and hacking
[Podcast] FinTech trends with Jean-Louis van Houwe (Fintech Belgium)
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Market research: the evolution of credit card ownership in Europe
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Impact of artificial intelligence in the retail, media and insurance sectors
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Customer satisfaction : Bpost Bank makes basic marketing mistakes
By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab •
Market research : cashless payments are taking up in Germany
Personalized car insurance has unexpected effects on customers behaviors
Belfius : 95,25% customer satisfaction. Can you believe it?
Market research : Norwegians don’t want personnalized insurance
Vitality offers Apple watch to monitor your activity : one more insurance into big (health) data