Market research in Italy: the 10 best data sources

Market research in Italy: the 10 best data sources

This article provides you with our TOP 10 data sources to consult if you wish to carry out your market research in Italy. We have already listed several sources for your research in Europe. We will continue to provide you with more to take advantage of the opportunities that these markets and territories have to offer.

A cheklist is also provided at the end of this article.


Official national statistics

The first source of data to consult when entering the Italian market is the National Institute of Statistics (Istat). You will be able to consult the following topics Population and Households, Institutions and Society, Education and Employment, Economy, Environment and Territory as well as various specific analyses and publications. Find all the institute’s statistics in alphabetical order to simplify your search (click here).

Homepage istat (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica)

How to use this data for your market research?

  • Define a geographical location (catchment area) based on regional demographics and economy
  • Understanding consumer purchasing behaviour
  • Defining competitors in the market
  • Understanding some key legislative restrictions

This data will be particularly useful if you need to carry out PESTEL research (to find out more about PESTEL, click here).

Companies financial data

In Italy, you can access company data on the website, subject to payment for specific information.

You can find a lot of official data on Istat in the financial results of companies, which, although not nominative, are segmented by; the number of employees, economic sectors, industries and categories.

This financial analysis will help you to investigate the situation of your competitors, but also that of your potential future suppliers and partners. It can be an excellent indicator to judge the health (and attractiveness) of a market.

For companies working in B2B, this tool will also be a valuable ally in defining the target and in building your list of prospects.

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Consumer protection

In Italy, the website of the consumers’ federation (Federconsumatori) is the place to go for information on consumer rights. Go to the “Ricerche” tab for more in-depth information on the following topics:

  • Water, energy and gas
  • Food
  • Banking and insurance
  • Home
  • Politics and society
  • Economic policy
  • Prices and tariffs
  • Health
  • School and university
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport and tourism

homepage Federconsumatori

These themes are also present in the tab “Conciliazioni” where you will find more legal information on these subjects.

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This data will help you to understand in detail the habits of Italian consumers. In particular, you will be able to use this information on consumer trends to test and understand the interest of your product or service on the Italien market. Remember that the first idea is rarely the right one. Don’t be discouraged if you perceive a lack of alignment with market demand. Consider this as an opportunity to improve your primary idea.

Customs and border protection

If you wish to import products or services into Italy or export them outside the Italian borders, it is essential to find out about the legislation imposed by customs. To do this, you can obtain information on the website of the Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM). This website proposes an English version, which is not as complete as the official Italian version but which will provide you with some essential information.

The tabs to visit are those related to customs and customs legislation, both national and international. You will also find specific topics related to games, tobacco and alcohol, as well as details of the procedures to be undertaken according to your needs.

Customs websites are an excellent source of data for your PESTEL research, especially for the “L” (Legal aspects).

We have dedicated an article to market research applied to the export sector. You can access it here.

Sector data for your market research in Italy

Make sure that your market research is as complete as possible, and investigate the sector specifics related to your project. Below is an overview of the best sources of data for different sectors.


You will find official data from the health sector on the website of the Ministry of Health in the tab “Temi e professioni” with specific dossiers on food, health, animals, health assistance, prevention, medical devices, and so on. Istat, the national statistics institute, will also give you access to research and publications related to the health sector. To do so, go to the tab provided for this purpose hereAIFA, the Italian Medical Agency, also provides essential data for future market entrants.

The food industry

Many files are published on the Istat website that we have already mentioned. For this sector, the focus will be on publications related to the food industry and foodstuffs. We also advise you to visit the tab dedicated to food on the Ministry of Health website, which will provide you with essential data on Italian authorisations and regulations. Additional information is also available on the website of the Italian Federation of the Food Industry, the Federalimentare.

homepage Federalimentare

Find information by business segment as well as extensive legal data in the tab “Aree operative” and the regular press releases published by the federation in the tab “communicazione”.


Several websites will allow you to generate a complete overview of the agricultural sector in Italy. ISMEA, the Institute for Agricultural and Food Market Services) provides online monitoring of agricultural markets as well as documentation on segments and industries related to agriculture (food processing, banks, institutions, and so forth). Istat, in its themes dedicated explicitly to agriculture and the food industry. In particular, find the annual report 2020 here.


The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) provides essential information to players in the transport market in its “Transport” section. It thus covers a wide range of topics such as the transport of goods and passengers, public transport and the various modes of transportation (rail, sea, air).


Data on the real estate market is available on the website of the government agency for the real estate market, Agenzia entrate. There you will find a focus on companies, private individuals and the different rules to be followed on this market (VAT, land registry services, and so on).

homepage agenzia entrate


ARERA is the energy regulatory authority in Italy. Their website proposes an overview of the market and the current events but above all presents annual reports that will certainly help you in understanding the Italian energy market and, indeed, in carrying out your market research. We also advise you to visit the website of ENEA, the Italian national agency for new technologies and innovations in the energy sector and sustainable economic development.


To understand the framework proposed by Italy for innovative projects, visit the website of the MIV, the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digitalisation.


Theme Source of information Interest for your market research in Italy
Nationals statistics Istat Official figures to contribute to your PESTEL study
Financial data

Istat – Entreprises

Competition research, profitability of the sector
Consumer protection Federconsumatori Market analysis, sector analysis
Douanes et protection des frontières ADM Customs and border protection
Sector data – Health

Istat – Santé


Files on health issues and medicines
Sector data – The food industry Istat – agro-alimentaire

Istat – denrées alimentaires – alimentation


Indicators on the food industry market and legal aspects
Sector data – Agriculture ISMEA

Istat – agriculture

Istat – agro-alimentaire

Agricultural legislation, agreements and policies
Sector data – Transport MIT Agreements and restrictions according to means of transport
Sector data – Housing Agenzia entrate Housing market and related issues
Sector data – Energy ARERA


Energy indicators and legislation
Sector data – Innovation MIV Aid for innovation

Also, worth consulting

Illustration: Shutterstock

Posted in Marketing.