Market research: all our knowledge made available in one place

Market research: all our knowledge made available in one place

Market research is often understood as doing a survey. This is not true as many other techniques and tools need to be used to get a comprehensive picture of the market.

We have very often published articles on market research in the past 7 years. We did a first effort to compile all this knowledge in a series of 3 articles in January 2013 (see here part 1, part 2 and part 3).

We felt the need to better visualize what market research is and created a mind mapping (with MindMeister) that will allow you to find your way in this complex matter.

On the right side of the map you’ll find the different techniques used for market research

On the left side we’ve grouped topics related to market research :

Each blue box corresponds to an article : just click on the arrow and you’ll find the right article for you.

This mind mapping is a work-in-progress. Bookmark this page and come back regularly to discover new resources that will help you in your market research assignment.

Of course, if you feel a topic is missing, don’t hesitate to drop us a line and we’ll be delighted to write an article.

Posted in Marketing.