How to inform and train all your employees on the importance of customer satisfaction ? This is very complex when you have hundreds of employees, even more when they are not in direct contact with the customer.
This challenge was solved very well through gamification by Axa France.
Why satisfaction of your customers does matter
I’m not sure it’s really necessary to explain something so obvious, but for those that may not have read this blog before or that are new to marketing, let’s put in a few lines. In 2015, not satisfying a customer is not really an option. Firms are doing more and more efforts to control, measure and improve satisfaction. Whereas 20 years ago, higher satisfaction may have led to higher loyalty, this is not really the case anymore. Recent quantitative research in the field have shown that satisfaction accounts for only 10% of loyalty at best. In more statistical words, we could say that satisfaction accounts only for 10% of the variance.
Even if the link is so tedious, dissatisfying the customer is not really an option; the standards in terms of quality of service have increaased and so have also customers’ expectations. More than ever, firms must invest in satisfaction. This is a question of survival.
More than 5000 people trained
I met Sandrine Lefèvre, HR director of Axa, in Paris; she was kind enough to share with me her experience with her latest training campaign of service quality and customer satisfaction among employees.
A 5-week training program was conceived as a serious game. The challenge was to get people enrolled and have them play for 5 minutes a day each and every day during 5 weeks.
Axa had 10000 employees to train; 7100 enrolled for the serious game, 5200 played regularly, 3000 did train every day during the whole course of the program. These figures are just tremendous given that you rely on employees to train themselves. The challenge in that kind of program is obviously to maintain the motivation throughout the program. Getting a 30% rate is pretty unexpected and en evidence that the training was developed very well.
To get more insights about this training program, what it looked like, how it was deployed, we recommend you first watch the video below to see how the serious game worked, and then browse the slideshare to get a better overview.
Photo: shutterstock
Posted in Marketing.