Content curation consists in sorting, selecting, then sharing digital resources. Its objective is simple: to allow curators and creators to gain visibility. Its ability to synthesize and personalize information makes it essential for digital marketing. This article proposes to go back over some key data regarding curation. Also, we will define the concept in its entirety. Then we will present 3 remarkable digital tools!
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- 6 key figures on content curation
- What is content curation?
- The 3 essential tools for content curation
6 key figures on content curation
- SEO strategies70%: the maximum share of traffic that Google Discover brings to online content creators. This mobile tool is one of the channels proposing the most visibility to brands: ideal for your !
- click-through rate10%: required to expect to appear on major content curation platforms.
- 96% of B2B content creators have shared their productions on LinkedIn. This is a boon for content curation! Only 7% of these creators find this platform too inefficient in distribution.
- 59% of B2B marketers have published their content as e-books or white papers. Infographics are also popular! In 2022, 61% of these B2B specialists opted for this format in their content creation. So, tomorrow’s content curation is best done in these innovative formats.
What is content curation?
Simply put, content curation is the process of selecting digital content that is relevant to a specific target audience. This method enriches the plurality of opinions of your publications while saving you time. Brands use it to diversify their digital assets. By doing so, they enhance their brand image and stimulate engagement. This practice fits perfectly with inbound marketing strategies. Moreover, it is beneficial for both content creators and curators.
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Therefore, content curation applies well to the journalistic field. Carrying it out involves many steps, which are as follows:
- research and monitoring of recent publications
- selection of relevant contents
- analysis and verification of the collected information
- management of the editorial calendar
- creation of value thanks to the different information sources
- dissemination of compiled content across digital channels (Guallar & Leiva-Aguilera, 2013; Codina, 2018; Guallar & Codina, 2018)
On social networks, content curation is worth the effort, as it is so varied and complex. We owe this to the instantaneous sharing of information and the diversity of formats used. Finally, it manifests itself in different ways to satisfy users:
- reports of events that have made the news recently
- mash-ups of articles to write synthetic content
- carrying out interviews, reports, or columns
- content recommendations, personalized according to the needs of your target
- and so on.
The 3 essential tools for content curation
Now, after reviewing some key statistics and delineations of the content curation concept, let’s move on to the applications. Let’s look at 3 examples of useful tools for content curators and creators – Quuu, Discover, and Juice.
Let’s start with Quuu’s digital platform. The company relies on artificial intelligence, Robin, to propose new reads to its users. Every day, it strives to propose qualitative content, thanks to the advanced personalization of its suggestions. Thus, the brand intends to improve the conversion rates of its customers: a real vision of growth marketing.
Quuu acts on several axes for companies using its services:
- Click-through rates: the platform does not forget the importance of call-to-action (CTA) in its content curation. So, it opts for a direct approach to digital marketing.
- Multi-channel approach: it also does not underestimate the benefits of simultaneous presence on several social networks.
- Diversity of formats: there is a jumble of suggestions for blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc.
- Time-saving: a fundamental characteristic of content curation, the brand exists above all to automate the work of curators
The video below is a video summary of the main contributions of Quuu’s digital platform.
Google Discover
Next, it’s only possible for us to talk about content curation by mentioning Discover. This tool is based on our interests to suggest content adapted to our information needs. And we have to admit that it’s a winning tactic! The platform is very successful and is part of Google’s global strategy: to propose a more visual user experience.
Indeed, Discover can represent up to 70% of the web traffic of content creators!
Thus, an effective curation strategy implies a good understanding of the issues related to SEO on Google. And in this case, Discover is the best for online content creators. To that end, find some advice (Guallar & Codina, 2018) for appearing on this platform below:
- Virality and sustainability of content: share both current and timeless content: to ride the trends and become a reference on generic topics
- Synthetic titles: try to summarize your article/podcast/etc. in just a few catchy words
- Traffic acquisition: don’t hesitate to relay your content curation en masse on social networks, via emailing campaigns, LinkedIn conversations, and so on.
Finally, let’s mention the case of the Juicer. Regarding curation, the platform simplifies content moderation by grouping hashtags and messages from social networks. Thanks to this, users benefit from a single news feed grouping their various publications on different channels.
Ultimately, Juicer proposes integrating this news feed into any page on the Internet.
Like Quuu, Juicer boasts about the time savings it provides to its customers. But that’s not all. Here are some of the many advantages unique to the platform:
- Content optimization: its features also reach your audience on your blog or social networks. It holds the keys to about fifteen social networks to multiply the content sources.
- User-generated content: interactivity of the platform to push your users to create content dealing with your offer/brand
- Customer loyalty: in the end, the content flow that Juicer proposes is meant to be social above all. We could almost call it a relationship marketing platform
- Codina L. (2018). Curación de contenidos para periodistas: definición, esquema básico y recursos. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Facultad de Comunicación, Área de Formatos Digitales e Interactivos. 32p.
- González, D. (2020). Cómo titular para Google Discover. ReddePeriodistas.
- Good, R. (2018). Content curation approaches: Types and formats. Medium.
- Guallar, J. & Codina, L. (2018). Journalistic content curation and news librarianship: Differential characteristics and necessary convergence. El Profesional de la Información. 27(4), 778.
- Guallar, J. & Leiva-Aguilera, J. (2013). El content curator. Guía básica para el nuevo profesional de Internet. 162p.
- Nanji, A. (2022). 13th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Insights for 2023 report. Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs & ON24, 47p.
- Ordoñez, J. (2019). ¿Cómo usar Google Discover para eCommerce?. Jordiobdotcom.
- Soteras, C. (2021). Google Discover y… ¡gas a fondo!: Guía práctica con todo lo que debes saber. Teletrabajo y Negocios.
Posted in Marketing.