Customer satisfaction best practices

Customer satisfaction best practices

This complicated sketch represents the first step of my tentative to sum up the different flows of academic research around customer satisfaction. I started reviewing literature in an attempt to define more precisely which best practices had been defined in order to increase satisfaction and loyalty.

Curiously I first found out that there was no real global overview on those best practices (perhaps because it is too practitioner-oriented). I dug deeper and deeper into HR (Service-Profit Chain),  Marketing (Service Quality), Innovation (NPD/NSD ie. New Product Development / New Service Development) but also Operations Management literature. The latter is actually very rich and I found two streams of research. The first is an obvious one: Quality Management. But authors find limits to it when it comes to customer satisfaction. The second is BPM (Business Process Management or Business Process Modeling) which deals with the design of internal and external processes and the impact of design on the satisfaction of respectively internal and external customers.

My take:

The customer satisfaction field of research is actually much broader than I thought …

Posted in Marketing.