Have you ever realized that business cards are too seldom used to leave an impression on your prospects ? I just found out what is probably the most amazing business card ever conceived. Read further if you want to know more.
Leave an impression : get a creative business cards
I recently looked at the business cards I’ve accumulated for the last 10 years (yes, I kept them all). Guess what … less than 10 out of 1000 deserve to be noticed (by the way, I even wrote an article on them a long time ago). The remaining ones are just so boring.
It made me wonder : why are businesses so keen on giving to their customers and prospects so unnoticeable pieces of paper ? You don’t have many opportunities to make a positive impression on your prospects. It takes a great deal of efforts to get your prospects’ attention and prove your skills. What wouldn’t you use your business card to impress your future customers and engage the dialogue ?
The best examples of creative business cards
This made me reflect on our business cards. Although we are often praised for our logo, our business cards are very classical. Nothing fancy about them. I started thinking about how to propose a radically different brand experience. I’m still at the beginning of the creative path. What I first did to get my thoughts organized, was to create a Pinterest board. I gathered the most inspiring examples of business cards I could find and some other creative ideas that may be useful.
Follow IntoTheMinds’s board Business cards on Pinterest.
Probably the most amazing business card in the world
I like bold statements. Stating that I’ve found the best and most amazing business card in the world is how I feel about the piece of paper handed over to me in the Jaquet Droz boutique.
The card in itself is not special. But each card is unique and Jaquet Droz has built a process to make each card unique and make sure people remember their visit in the store. Watch the video below …
The machine you see is entirely mechanical. It will write the time of your visit on a white piece of paper. Once it’s done the card is handed over to you and flipped over to let you see all the contact details. That’s what I call story telling.
Posted in Innovation, Marketing.